Jazz aan Brooke out
RIP Ghédalia Tazartès!
Ghédalia Tazartès music is such a fantastic trip, a little like if El Topo was music! I get goozebums thinking of his vocals over the Sex Pistols loop, flipping to demented tribal techno and about every sound he could melt into his own unique style.
There truly is nobody else like him. I’m grateful to Bill Kouligas, who introduced us and put us on a stage together which resulted into a long friendship, a bunch of concerts and a record (with Chris Corsano).
His often pretty raw jokes and the laughter that followed them was the best icebreaker.
The day Bart De Wever became our mayor and a pretty sad mood dominated our circles, he texted me ‘good luck, i’de rather have Bart Simpson for mayor’.
In November he wrote ‘i am very very sick, i got two cancers, one very bad, i won’t be able to do anything anymore. Please don’t worry, i had a wonderful life’
Much love to his children, his partner, family and many friends!
posted on 10 Feb 2021 by dennis tyfus

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