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Vlaanderen Frans!

On Friday Ultra Eczema is presenting a brand new LP by Canadian sweetheart, Cousin Of Reggae, and Pipe Organist Blake Hargreaves at the St-Michielskerk in Antwerp (Amerikalei 165). This LP has been in the works for a few years now. Blake has been visiting and touring Europe in the past few years quite often, mainly to record on various pipe organs all over the place. This LP is a collection of various improvisations. No wonder this LP is titled 'Improvisations On The Pipe Organs Of Europe' ,   One can listen to the openingstrack of Blake Hargreaves' LP HERE! This will be a special gig, i guess we always say this, but it's happening in a church, which is not what we always say.

In the wake of the darkbrown events of the past week, here's a quite funny video a Kunstroover made.

Floris Vanhoof is performing tonight at 9:45 sharp at Table Dance.

posted on 18 Nov 2019 by dennis tyfus

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