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Trein trapt het buskruit naar de grote steen weg.

A mariage celebration, the wonderful exhibition of Vaast Claxon at Plus One Gallery and last Friday's concerts at De Nor are just mentioned here ramdomy, in a loving way.

This week three gigs are happening at De Nor!

- Wednesday : BRORLAB (fantastic teen space punk) and FRANK HURRICANE (record presentation gig of the holy king of psychedelic story telling!)
- Friday : HELM (UK, taller than David Bowie, new record out on PAN) and Céline Gillain (Pop statements)
- Saturday : JUNG AN TAGEN (aus, contemporary beauty), CRY (Bxl synth punk) and FPBJPC (USA, masters of confusion through tiny amps)

posted on 25 Jun 2019 by dennis tyfus

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